
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mortal Life

A half-circle, destined never to complete;
Your life cut short when it was in full bloom.
If only I could play the years in repeat,
Now I'm just left alone in my sorrow.
Waiting in the darkness, hoping it's not true.

The shock, it engulfs me, I grieve for you.
Your life had just barely started,
Why did you have to leave?
Moments of joy now, they are few.
To me, the world has lost its hue.

Your poor family, how they mourn.
The loss of their only son.
So charming, so kind, so true.
No one can accept the news,
Life goes on, it cannot stop.

Now in the company of angel's song,
In heaven you will be free.
Singing God's divine song,
Your heart full of joy and love.
I hope you are at peace.


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